A close-up showing a large garden rake dragging through soil while surrounded by green plants as the sun shines.

4 Tips for Staying Safe While Working Outdoors This Spring

Spring is the perfect time to take on those outdoor projects you’ve been putting off all winter. The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, and you can finally leave your heavy winter gear behind. With all the perks of working outdoors, though, some safety challenges come with it. Whether y’all are landscaping, hunting, or working on a construction site, these four tips for staying safe while working outdoors this spring will help you enjoy the fresh air.

Dress the Part With High-Visibility Clothing  

Visibility is important when working outdoors, especially near roads or in construction zones. Hi-vis workwear you may need this spring includes vests or jackets with reflective strips. These pieces will keep you visible to fellow workers or motorists in the area—even at night or during an April shower.

Block Them UV Rays  

Though the spring sun is not nearly as harsh as the summer sun, those UV rays are still strong in Texas. To protect your skin, wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30, reapply it every couple of hours, and don’t forget your ears and the back of your neck! A pair of UV-blocking sunglasses and a wide-brim hat can provide additional sun protection.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate  

With the warmer days in spring, y’all will probably sweat while working. Hydrate to stay on top of your game and prevent heat exhaustion. Always carry a reusable water bottle and drink from it regularly—even if you don’t feel thirsty. For an added boost or if you’re doing a strenuous job, add some electrolyte powder.

Don’t Let Allergies Bog You Down

While the spring blooms are beautiful, budding plants release pollen that can trigger allergies and wreak havoc on your sinuses. If you’re prone to seasonal allergies, stock up on non-drowsy antihistamines and keep a mask handy for extra protection. Also, be mindful of plants like poison ivy or oak while working close to nature.  

Working outdoors in the spring is rewarding, but it comes with its fair share of risks. By following these four tips to stay safe while working outdoors this spring, you can enjoy your time outside, no matter what you’re doing. Now, get out there and make the most of those perfect spring days!  

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Texas Outdoors






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