Author: Texas Outdoors

  • Bohannon Ranch & Guide Services

    Bohannon Ranch & Guide Services

    Several years ago, while walking around the Texas Trophy Hunters Extravaganza, I had the pleasure of meeting Bobby Bohannon, who at the time was the manager and lead guide with 3P Ranch in Uvalde Texas. After 30 minutes looking at their both and taking with Bobby, my wife and I knew we were kindred spirits…

  • Pass Cavallo Bull Red

    Pass Cavallo Bull Red

    Flounderin’ in Port O’Connor

  • Pass Cavallo Bull Red

    Pass Cavallo Bull Red

    Fishing for big reds in Pass Cavallo

  • Grandsons Monster Hawg

    Grandsons Monster Hawg

    Grandson killed this with his Colt .223

  • Bassin’ Boss

    Bassin’ Boss

    My son Brandon during high school tournament shows em how it’s done.

  • Whoa sue!

    Whoa sue!

    Caught hog

  • St. Marks Trout

    St. Marks Trout

  • Dave pulls a double!

    Dave pulls a double!

    My son David had a great hunt this past season. Had a pig come in at 200 yards and he drops him in his tracks with his 6.8 SPC and 5 minutes later a cull buck comes in. Boom. 120 Hornady SST works. Hunting with a suppressor is awesome.

  • Redfish Lodge

    Redfish Lodge

    Nice trip down to Redfish Lodge

  • Hog hunting !

    Hog hunting !

    We went out a few weeks ago on a hunt.. There is NOTHING more fun than pig hunting with suppressed ARs , Night Vision and Thermal Imaging! Tactical Gun Review, Silencer Shop, Griffin Armament and the  Pipe Hitters  union put the  hurt on some hogs.  

  • My best whitetail deer yet!

    My best whitetail deer yet!

    Shot on Diamond Half Ranch south of Seguin.  It was a cold rainy day after Thanksgiving and the lease was pretty much deserted.  I was hunting on my own and seeing lots of good deer movement.

  • Game Warden Field Notes

    Game Warden Field Notes

    TPWD News Release — April 15, 2015.  The following items are compiled from recent Texas Parks and Wildlife Department law enforcement reports. All Play and No Work.  Near the end of duck season, a Henderson County game warden received a call from the owner of a local gas station. The caller said a black car…