Early Efforts Payoff in July at Bay Flats Lodge Resort & Marina



Since partnering with the Building Conservation Trust, Bay Flats Lodge customers have been contributing to help protect and build fish habitat along the central portion of the Texas coast. June ended up being our biggest month yet, and Bay Flats Lodge is excited to match our customer’s donations. With generous donations from L&S Mechanical and FSG Electric on June 30th, we surpassed the $5000.00 mark for the first time. There are many reasons to be part of an effort to protect and build fish habitat, but one of the most important is the generations that will follow us. Two of the pictures accompanying this post are of a grandfather and his three grandsons. These kids are the perfect example of why Bay Flats Lodge is so excited about our partnership with BCT. Bay Flats Lodge wants to do all we can to make sure future generations have the opportunity to enjoy the amazing fishery that is the middle Texas coast.



Summertime is in full swing along the Texas Gulf coast, and fishing has been outstanding here in the coastal bend region. Consecutive days of repetitive catches of speckled trout and redfish indicate that we’re going to be in for some really big fun as long as we don’t happen to encounter any unforeseen weather event out of the tropics.

Temperatures will soar this month, so anglers should be looking to take advantage of the early morning and late evening hours. Make it a point each day to leave as early as possible in the morning so as to be able to be wading your first session of the day prior to sunrise. There are a number of different reasons for this, but the primary reason in July simply becomes the summertime heat – it’s really hot right now, so why not fish during the time of the day when it’s most comfortable for you.

July anglers should expect tides to be rather normal for this time of the year, meaning there should be some fairly good water along protected shorelines and even into some of the more secluded back lake areas. When the tide is a bit higher on one day over another, look to find redfish cruising shoreline grasses tight against the bank in the backcountry. It will be important to be there as early as you can in the morning so you can locate the reds that are taking advantage of the coolness of the early morning shallow water. If you wait until later in the day the water becomes too hot for the fish, and they then begin looking for coolness elsewhere.

Whenever July winds allow you to do so, look to the open waters of some of the major bays systems like Espiritu Santo Bay, San Antonio Bay, and Mesquite Bay for some hot speckled trout action. This is generally the time of the year when trout action atop shell can become nothing less than spectacular. Live and artificial baits will both produce in this situation, and anglers can choose to anchor, drift, or wade based upon their preference.

July in Texas can become devastatingly hot, so it’s extremely important that you prepare accordingly. If you’re going to be out on the water all day be sure you always wear the proper protective clothing, administer ample amounts of sunscreen, and hydrate your body by drinking lots of water – if you wait until you’re thirsty to drink water, you’re already becoming dehydrated. Be safe, be considerate, and have fun out there!

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Capt. Chris Martin, and his wife Deb, permanently reside in Seadrift, Texas. They are the proud owners and operators of Bay Flats Lodge, which overlooks the pristine waters of San Antonio Bay.





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