Author: Mike Coker
Chasing Redfish with Capt. Nathan Beabout
It was a bit of a grind yesterday until the cool front arrived. Slick calm conditions meant our only shot at a bite was redfish. A handful showed up, crushing topwaters and Down South Lures dirty tequila. About an hour after the front, we found a small trout bite, and managed to loose a couple…
Bergara Rifles
We are receiving one of the new Bargara B14 Hunting and Match Rifles (HMR) in 6.5 Creedmoor for testing. Primary use will be for whitetail deer out to several hundred yards. Bargara barrels are praised for their accuracy and the 6.5 Creedmoor is a flat-shooting cartridge rapidly gaining favor among hunters and competitors.
Seguin deer hunting report 12/31/2016
My family hunted hard over the Christmas holidays. Unfortunately, our vacation time coincided with a warm spell and it was above 80 degrees most afternoons! We were sure wishing for a nice cold front to come busting through but it just wasn’t happening. One morning I got in the blind about 6:00 AM and hunted…
Deer Hunting Report December 2016
We have been chasing whitetail deer on our lease south of Seguin, TX hard this year. There have been a number of nice deer taken in the 150 inch range which is a “trophy” on our place. Anything over 140 is a damn nice deer on our ranch. Unfortunately, I am sitting on zero but…
Who loves deer hunting?
There is nothing like hunting in Texas. The Texas sky. The howl of coyotes. A hawk gliding overhead. That Texas sunrise. The anticipation as darkness fades away into first light.
Opening Day 2016
Opening Day of deer season is the most anticipated day of the year for those who love hunting. We are on a MLD3 ranch so we have a soft opening in October for does and culls but the real hunt for us begins on November 1. The first Saturday of November is special. Our lease…
Sunjack Portable Solar Charger Review
The Sunjack Portable Solar Charger has found a permanent place in my bug-out bag. Living on the Gulf Coast means always being prepared for a hurricane and it is not uncommon to be without power for days, or even weeks, following a storm. The Sunjack Portable Solar Charger provides a means to harness the power…
First Drive: 2017 Polaris Ranger XP 1000
The new 2017 Polaris Ranger XP 1000 is the most powerful Side-by-Side available today. The 999cc twin-cylinder ProStar engine delivers 80 horsepower and 61 lb-ft of torque. Texas Outdoors Network has one of the first Ranger XP 1000 vehicles to hit the dirt. Ours is the Hunter Edition (of course!).
CastAway Rods
CastAway Rods has moved to a new location in Northwest Houston, Texas. I visited their showroom recently to pick up a new trout and redfish spinning rod. The new store is clean, modern, and features the complete selection of CastAway rods. The main advantages of purchasing directly are a) the rod you want will be…
Chasing Redfish with Captain Nathan Beabout
If you want to really learn how to fish for speckled trout and redfish, get out of the boat and into the water. We did just that with Captain Nathan Beabout out of Seadrift, Texas. Most all Texas Gulf Coast fishing guides will put you onto fish. Live shrimp (or croaker if available) over an…
Seek Thermal RevealXR
The Seek Thermal RevealXR FastFrame is a compact, lightweight thermal imaging solution that first caught my attention at SHOT Show Range Day. I had to wait awhile before the XR version hit the market and the RevealXR FastFrame is their most advanced product. With a MSRP of only $469 how would it stack up against…
All Seasons Feeders Review
We have run many of the popular deer corn feeders and, hands down, we prefer All Seasons Feeders built in San Antonio. Not only do they make an outstanding product but their customer service is top-notch. Their 300lb broadcast feeder is the gold standard by which other feeders are measured.